What We Do
The Western Fremont County Humane Society is an independent, registered 501(c)3 charitable organization committed to the health and welfare of all animals. We seek to inform, inspire, and assist people to responsibly care for their pets and to treat them with kindness.
For over 25 years we have been serving the needs of animals and owners in the Dubois and Crowheart communities of the Upper Wind River Valley in Wyoming. Our volunteers provide foster and forever homes for pets in need and keep shelves of cat and dog food available at the Community Food Bank (donations welcome, please contact us). We have built and maintain Gizmo’s Dog Park at 26 Gilliland Avenue, on the east side of Dubois, which contains a play area for large and small dogs, a livestock shelter and corral, and walking trails bordering the colorful Dubois Badlands. ​
Working with several Fremont County veterinarians we do all we can to save lives and avoid needless suffering. For qualified applicants, we offer a cost sharing spay and neuter program. Also available is our feral cat Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) program – humanely saving lives and avoiding unwanted kittens. Regularly published ads in the local press and on our Petfinder page help us find forever homes for all the animals in our care. In the warmer months we sponsor events such as the vaccination clinic with East Fork Veterinary Clinic, summer dog washes, and Strutt Your Mutt Fun Dog Match. Please see our annual newsletters here.
Video about WFCHS created by Kendra Leseburg

WFCHS board members and volunteers at one of the 2019 summer dog washes held at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
Success Stories*
Making A Difference in the Lives of Animals
* These are just a few of the many stories of animals whose lives have been saved and transformed by our devoted volunteers, fosterers, and adopters. For more information on these programs, please click here. For more stories, please click here to see our WFCHS annual newsletters.

Bella's Forever Home
​I'm not sure if you remember me as it's been 12 years since the only time that we met but it left an indelible impression upon the fabric of my family's life. You had rescued a small Black Lab and were looking for someone to be her "forever" home. I remember the concern on your face as you explained that she was rescued from a neglectful home where her existence was basically a short chain in a dirt yard. I appreciated the gravity with which you handled the situation. We promised that we would give her everything that she deserved and had been denied. We took the charge, welcomed her into our home, and named her Bella.
Bella was an unnaturally polite dog. I think this was because of her time on the chain. She wanted to play but was unsure about what degree of enthusiasm would be appropriate. On her first night home she was still recovering from being spayed. You told us that she could have water and food so we brought her inside and she drank like she'd just discovered water. When she finished, she put her head in my lap and barfed all over me. I didn't mind but poor Bella was mortified. She refused to ever set foot in another kitchen.
The only time that Bella really let herself go wild was on car rides to go hiking. That first time was a real shock. She did a sort of barking, howling James Brown impersonation. Hikes were her favorite thing next to the car rides to go hiking; her joy was literally too big to contain. She never lost her enthusiasm for a car ride and a hike. Then she'd howl the whole way home.
A couple of weeks ago, we discovered she had lung cancer. Her quality of life was still good but the time was coming to guide her peacefully into the unknown. For a few weeks, her tail kept wagging and she was thrilled with the uptick in treats. Then yesterday, she took a turn for the worse. We called the vet, knowing it was time, to see when we could schedule euthanasia. We took her on one last car ride. She appreciated the windows being down but wasn't up for a hike. Instead, we just sat in the sun and enjoyed the fresh air.
Last night, I went to bed dreading what I would have to do today. Then, I was awakened at sunrise by a muffled barking. I was sure it wasn't Bella because she hadn't been able to bark on account of her lungs but I followed it downstairs and sure enough it was her. She'd found the strength to stand and was calling me. The sun was just rising, and she looked at me with a sort of conviction. I petted her and opened the back door. She trotted out towards her final sunrise. She stood for a moment before laying down and letting go. Even in death, she was an unnaturally polite dog.
Over the years I have meant to reach out to you to express my gratitude for Bella coming into our lives some 12 years ago. I want you to know that she did find her forever home with us and it is we who are forever grateful. Please keep saving four legged souls and know that you are saving some two legged ones as well.

Meet Velvet
She was so damaged when she was brought to us, it was like seeing a puzzle put back together. In our rescuer's words: “This poor sweet little gal was found last fall along the highway near Crowheart. She was a mangled little cat; broken tail, shattered pelvis among numerous other injuries. I took her to two vets and WFCHS spent copious funds to save her life. She is a little fighter and she made it through (only minus her tail) to find a wonderful loving home!” Our thanks always to Gail, and all those who have given our critters Forever Homes.

In Like Flynn
Before his adoption by Justin and Jamie Allison, Flynn had been fostered by WFCHS Board member, Beth Walsh. “When Flynn was first fostered he was a very scared and shy dog. He was fearful of everything and everybody. He was afraid of mirrors, thresholds, fast movement, almost everything. After several months of rebuilding his confidence and trust, Justin and Jamie came along ,and they are the perfect fit for this sweet boy. They had the patience it took to help him get over some of his fears and saw his potential of being a great dog.” We are so grateful to them for going the distance with Flynn.
Please Donate Generously
to Help the Animals
WFCHS is an all-volunteer, independent, registered 501(C)3 charitable organization, and is not affiliated with nor does it receive funding from any other organization. We rely on your generous donations to continue offering our services.
Please make your check payable to:​
WFCHS, PO Box 1198, Dubois, WY 82513
Or click to donate via PayPal: ​
WFCHS is a registered 501C3 charitable organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.